No doubt, if Iwan Kriens (1871-1957) had lived in our century he would have been actively involved with cookery shows on television. He would have been a member of the jury in Master Chef or may even would have had his own programme. For Iwan Kriens was knowledgeable, charismatic, amiable, and not afraid to give his opinion. In her latest book, ‘The Wizard of the Kitchen’, Dutch author Trudy van der Wees tells the fascinating life story of the famous Dutch chef, who became a pioneer in British culinary education and helped to change the professional and social cookery culture in Britain. The book was first published in the Netherlands in 2018 and is now also available in an English edition.
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‘The Wizard of the Kitchen’ can be ordered online from thegreatbritishbookshop.co.uk
ISBN: 9789090356426
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‘The Wizard of the Kitchen’ can be found in the selection Indie Books We Love on www.lovereading.co.uk

De Delftse muziekpedagoog Pierre van Hauwe(1920-2009) vond dat ieder kind, ongeacht ras of afkomst, recht had op goed muziekonderwijs, liefst zo jong mogelijk. Met zijn methode ‘Spelen met muziek’, gebaseerd op de ideeën van Carl Orff en Zoltán Kodály, kreeg hij overal te wereld jong en oud aan het musiceren. Toch bleef hij zoeken naar erkenning, vooral in eigen land.
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